Corona can’t keep us small!

ELTVILLE – (olko). With a view to the Corona crisis and the upcoming Easter, Eltville Mayor Patrick Kunkel and Mayor of the City Council Ingo Schon (both CDU) wrote to the citizens of the city of roses. In it, they recall that Easter, as a festival of resurrection, gives hope to Christians. “We also have hope these days. Many small and large signals give rise to this. ”

Solidarity in the Eltville population is “overwhelming”, which is why we want to say thank you. Thanks to Kunkel and Schon, we would like to thank people for staying at home, but also caregivers, doctors, firefighters, cashiers, drivers, bakers, city employees and tradesmen for their work. The two politicians also thanked the “unbelievable willingness to help”: the call for donations for the Eltville table was followed by an unbelievable number of people. The money could be used to buy basic food for those in need. Many volunteers want to do shopping for old and sick people.

Appeal by politicians to continue to adhere to the guidelines

Both were convinced by the efforts in politics and the commitment of citizens that society is emerging from the crisis stronger. “Corona can’t get us small! Let us draw courage and confidence from the many small and large signs of hope. ”They appealed to the citizens to remain confident and to adhere to the guidelines even during Easter. It is still about keeping the spread of the virus in check. “With this in mind, we wish you and all your loved ones a happy and blessed Easter – and stay healthy,” concludes Kunkel and Schon.

In a joint statement, Kiedrichs Mayor Winfried Steinmacher, the chairman of the municipal council, Harald Rubel (both SPD), as well as the three parliamentary group leaders of the SPD, CDU, and FDP – Hans-Peter Erkel, Andreas Zorn, and Anne Linke-Diefenbach – addressed them Citizen of the Gothic wine village. It says, for example: “These days we have to learn a little bit again what responsible action is. To be there for others means above all things: to stay at home. ”The turning away from the community, the retreat into one’s own four walls is“ an act of solidarity ”. This is a challenge and a new situation for everyone because it “turns our understanding of responsibility and solidarity upside down”. Living cohesion currently means “keeping your distance”. The voluntary waiver of celebrations or closeness is currently indispensable for everyone, “because the faster we regain the freedom to be free”.

There are currently no problems concerning the necessary decisions. If decisions are necessary, the Main and Finance Committee (HFA) will take them. The community board will keep the Council of Elders informed of all decisions. At the moment, trusting cooperation is still necessary. “This is 100 percent given in Kiedrich.” Special thanks go to the employees of the community, who continue to be there for all citizens through their commitment.

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