“I have tapes for you from America’s days”

The Kuwaiti social media influencer Noha Nabil revealed that she was blackmailed by an account probing social media celebrities, and she was threatened with publishing leaked photos and videos from inside her home.

Noha Nabil said in a video posted that “A well-known account, he was cruel to famous people, he talks about them and blackmails them and tells them to be silent about him, pay … The first time he wrote about me what I knew and the second time he also abused, slandered, and I did not reply to him.”

And Noha continued: “He began to insult and slander publishing a more violent image than an image, and an insult greater than an insult and a lie greater than a lie and compilation, and all this is to respond to it.”

And she went on: “I am, in my opinion, a self-confident person who does not provoke, who is afraid, responds, runs and provokes the one who has a problem, I mean a person is going through financial distress. You have problems living in the background of famous people. You send me a small message that sees Umm Hammoud I have circumstances and God is with you, but This arm-twist does not become, you see that I am the shield of my generation that is not broken. ”

Noha recounted another situation in which she was also subjected to blackmail, and said: “One time you went to me to say that I have tapes from the days of America. Where are the scandals of America?

And she continued: “The same who said I have leaks from inside your house. If you pay me 50 thousand, I will publish them. I told him I would like to publish on my behalf. What is it that I mean at home, even if”.

Noha concluded: “I am not infallible, and I can dress and look what many of you like, but I do not fear.”

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