The whole world is watching the move US presidential elections 2020. However, it seems that the President of the United States Donald Trump is not too “serious” about the current elections in America, writes Politico.

However, the stakes are undoubtedly huge. The result of the US presidential election will have a significant impact on the political situation in the world.

Also, the domestic political ramifications of a potential transfer of power from Donald Trump to Democrat Joe Biden would be enormous for America.

Analysts warn that the 2020 US presidential election is perhaps the most important in US history, while Donald Trump “misjudges the situation.”

While Trump speaks of disastrous consequences for America if his opponent Joe Biden becomes president, doubts arise that Trump is “serious about winning.”

If, according to Trump, “the very existence of the country itself is at stake” in the November elections, why then Donald Trump did not prepare for the presidential debate. Instead of using his tenure in favor of the American people, the president is distracted by “petty feuds and criticism of his opponents.”

In order to truly gain an edge over Joe Biden, Trump needs to develop an effective plan to tackle the US coronavirus pandemic, but he doesn’t.

If in the 2016 presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump followed his behavior and was relatively disciplined and constantly returned to central topics, then the debate with Joe Biden was different.

Without a doubt, Trump had his own strategy, he tried to pressure the opponent during the debate and make him break. However, the President suffered his anger and disdain for Biden and only damaged his own reputation.

If at the debates in 2016 Trump talked about issues of interest to voters, such as trade, immigration, then in the debates with Biden he devoted time to his own interests.

Trump has campaigned against the wearing of protective masks, while masks are a relatively inexpensive tool that can help reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

Now, given that he was infected with COVID-19 himself, his “anti-mask campaign” has played against him.

If in the 2016 elections, the US economic growth policy was a key moment of Trump’s election campaign, then this year, given the economic crisis, Trump does not have the opportunity to “boast” of significant economic success ahead of the elections.

If Trump loses in the November US elections, then his supporters will undoubtedly find many excuses, blaming Trump’s defeat on the pandemic, hostile media, and falsified results. However, the reason for Trump’s potential loss can only be his own political failures, the newspaper concludes.

There is little time left before the US presidential election .

Nationally, among potential voters, Biden is 16% ahead of Trump. Note that Biden in two opinion polls ahead of Trump at the national level by ten and eight percent, respectively.

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FiveThirtyEight forecast gives Biden an 80% chance of winning the presidential race and Trump only 20%. The model also gives a Democrat a 29% chance of a landslide victory — that is, winning a popular vote — by at least 10 percent.

Analysts of The Economist magazine believe that Biden’s chances of winning are much higher than the current head of state.

Interest in the elections rose to near-record levels. Nearly 6 out of 10 registered voters say they follow the elections “very closely.” This is more than any other presidential campaign at this time in the cycle since 2000.

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